RSVP for Classes at - Support Classes at - Find All Classes at - LinkedIn at - Code and Notes - Cyber Security starts at the input field. When you build a system that allows users to send data to your server you need to make sure that they are not able to compromise your systems with an injection attack, or that they simply add garbage data into your systems. Validation processes allow you to verify that the data the user entered looks like the type of data that is needed. You can determine if the data looks like a email address, or name, or URL. Sanitization means you scrub the data of anything text that may cause issues for your system such as additional HTM formatting, or escapes. Security is a multilayer process and so we'll show how you deal with data on the users side with Javascript, and then how you can recheck the data on your side with Python. Don't let your systems try to find the avg(2,21,55,'bob') We will discuss: We'll show how to use Javascript to validate user data How to prevent data from being sent until it conforms to rules Dynamically changing a form to show users where the problem is Checking data on the server side with Python Sanitizing data and more...